Copy files to a new folder (each time) in Windows using an Xcopy alternative replacement tool

This article will update you on how to create a new destination folder each time for the files you copy, while copying files in Windows.

Why new folders each time?

It is always advisable for multiple backups of your files. Data loss can happen in many ways; the most common causes are physical failure of your PC, accidental errors, theft, or even natural disasters.

Computer viruses too often delete or corrupt your data. Also, multiple versions of file backups are essential because users might need to restore a file from different points in time.

This is not directly possible with the Windows Xcopy tool.

You can therefore use an alternative software, Copywhiz to do that in an easier and faster way. It is really straightforward and can be understood even by a beginner.

What is Copywhiz?

Enhance your file-copy experience with Copywhiz as it lets you to have more flexibility & more control over the file copying and backup process. Here is how Copywhiz makes file copying a breeze:

  • Copy only new or modified files
  • Easily pick files by name, extension, folder etc from bunch of folders
  • Automatically organize files based on file attributes and metadata
  • Copy files to multiple folders/computers
  • Copy files from multiple folders and paste them at once
  • Sync files between source and destination
  • Pick files from multiple folders and compress in single .zip file
  • Schedule file backups
  • Several more hidden nuggets designed to make your file-copy task easier.

Steps to copy files in a new folder each time

Watch a short video on this feature:

For more tutorial videos, check out this page.

Video Transcription

1. Select the files from the Source folder and right-click on it and choose Copywhiz–>Copy as shown below:

2. Right-click inside the destination folder where you wish to copy the files and select Copywhiz–>Paste Advanced:

3. Copywhiz window will open with the destination folder already selected. You can suffix the destination folder with %date% or %datetime% to add the current date to the folder name.

4. Once the variables are added, click on ‘Paste Now,’ and it will automatically create a new folder based on the current date.

5. You can save the selected files as a Copywhiz project and schedule a backup of the same set of files by clicking on the ‘Paste later (Schedule)’ button.

Once clicked, the following Window will appear that will let you set your preferred backup frequency.

After setting your preferred frequency, click on ‘Schedule Now’ so that Copywhiz automatically runs the projects at a specified time for taking backups.


Copywhiz is an alternative that lets you create a new destination folder (date-wise) for every file backup. This way, you can ensure that multiple versions of your backups are maintained. It uses Windows Task Scheduler to schedule your backups.

Configure Copywhiz to copy files at a particular time. Using Copywhiz’s scheduling capability, you can back up your files every week, every day, or even every hour.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more such interesting videos.

Learn more about Copywhiz. Download the free trial from here.

Check out our other cool products.

Have a good day!

Thanks :)

Copying files and folders to multiple destination folders in Windows using an Xcopy alternative replacement tool

People who generally have the habit of taking multiple backups need to follow the lengthy process of copy, paste, copy, paste, and so on. This is not only tiring and boring but also very time-consuming. They would, therefore, want to copy the files and paste them all at once in all the destinations.

Let us find out how this is possible with the Windows Xcopy tool, and an alternative software, Copywhiz.

What is Copywhiz?

Enhance your file-copy experience with Copywhiz as it lets you to have more flexibility & more control over the file copying and backup process. Here is how Copywhiz makes file copying a breeze:

  • Copy only new or modified files
  • Easily pick files by name, extension, folder etc from bunch of folders
  • Automatically organize files based on file attributes and metadata
  • Copy files to multiple folders/computers
  • Copy files from multiple folders and paste them at once
  • Sync files between source and destination
  • Pick files from multiple folders and compress in single .zip file
  • Schedule file backups
  • Several more hidden nuggets designed to make your file-copy task easier.

Steps to copy files to multiple destinations

Using Xcopy

The Xcopy command Xcopy Source [Destination] /s copies files including all the sub-folders. We will use the For loop to copy files to multiple destinations using this command.

For Ex: To copy the file “project.docx” into the folders “personal” and “office” we need to run the below command:

Xcopy /s
For %%a in (
“D:\backup\project.pdf”) do (
xcopy /s “%%~a” “d:\temp\personal”,”%%~a” “d:\temp\office”)

However, using Xcopy commands are confusing, especially for ordinary users.

Let me now show you an easier and straightforward way.

Using Copywhiz

Watch a short video that tells you how to do this:

For more tutorial videos, check out this page.

Video Transcription

1. Select the files you wish to copy from it’s Source folder and right-click on it and choose Copywhiz–>Copy as shown below:

2. Go to the destination folder, right-click in it and select Copywhiz–>Paste Advanced. The advanced settings dialogue box will now open.

3. Type the name of the folders in which you want the files to be copied and click on Paste Now.

4. The files will instantly copy to all your mentioned folders.

Not just that, Copywhiz even lets you copy files to multiple computers. This is especially useful when you want to share the same files to multiple systems.

You can even use date variables such as %year%, %month%, %day%, %hour% & %minute% as a part of the folder address to create new destination folders each time. That means you can create new folders instantly while copying and do not have to go to different destinations and create folders each time before copying.

This is wow!

The most significant advantage of using Copywhiz is that you can take automatic backups of your files and folders! Read more about it here:

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for regular updates and interesting videos!

Learn more about Copywhiz.

Download the free trial from here.

Check out our other cool products.

Have a good day.

Thanks for taking the time to read :)

Copy files excluding empty folders in Windows using an Xcopy alternative replacement tool

This post will show you how to exclude empty folders from the file copying process in Windows — thus making it a lot easier while copying all your important files.

Why would someone want to remove empty folders?

Removing the empty folders ensures that you don’t spend more time looking for files inside them. You keep the folder structure clean and relevant.

Let us find out how to do this using the Windows Xcopy tool and an alternative software, Copywhiz.

What is Copywhiz?

Enhance your file-copy experience with Copywhiz as it lets you to have more flexibility & more control over the file copying and backup process. Here is how Copywhiz makes file copying a breeze:

  • Copy only new or modified files
  • Easily pick files by name, extension, folder etc from bunch of folders
  • Automatically organize files based on file attributes and metadata
  • Copy files to multiple folders/computers
  • Copy files from multiple folders and paste them at once
  • Sync files between source and destination
  • Pick files from multiple folders and compress in single .zip file
  • Schedule file backups
  • Several more hidden nuggets designed to make your file-copy task easier.

Steps to exclude empty folders

Using Xcopy

The Xcopy command Xcopy Source [Destination] /S copies directories and subdirectories except empty ones. This implies that all the folders will be copied except the empty ones.

For Ex: To copy all contents from the folder “projects” to the folder “backup” except the empty folders, the following command line will be used:

xcopy d:\projects e:\backup /S

This command will copy all the folders leaving out those with no files in them.

But these commands are not so easy. System administrators use it, but Xcopy is really hard for ordinary users.

Let me show an easier and straightforward way to do this.

Using Copywhiz

1. Select the files to be copied from the Source folder and right-click on it and choose Copywhiz–>Copy as shown below:

2. Go to the destination folder, right-click inside the folder and select Copywhiz–>Paste Advanced as shown below:

3. Copywhiz Window will open. Click on the ‘Advanced Settings’ button and select “Do not keep empty folders” and click ‘OK.’

4. Click on the “Paste Now” button. Your files would have been copied even before you go to the destination and check for them. This is the added advantage of high speed.


You now know how Copywhiz makes the whole process a lot more fun and easy in just a few clicks.

The biggest advantage of using Copywhiz is that you can take automatic backups of your files and folders! Read more about it here:

For more tutorial videos, click here .

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for regular updates and interesting videos!

Learn more about Copywhiz.

Download the free trial from here.

Check out our other cool products.

Have a good day.

Thanks for staying till the end :)

Copying files from different locations to a single destination folder in Windows using an Xcopy alternative replacement tool

This post will explain to you how to copy files from different folders located at different places, into a single folder or location, you want to keep them in.

Why copy everything in a single folder?

Want to share your favorite photos, music, and videos with your friend but have to copy the whole folder while sharing?

You have no option to do this since you fear that without that, you will have to go through the tiring process of going into each folder and search from the long list and select the ones you want one by one. Sounds tiring already.

This is why creating a single folder to store these files is needed. All files will go into a single folder without creating any sub-folders.

Let us look at this using the Windows Xcopy tool and an alternative software, Copywhiz.

What is Copywhiz?

Enhance your file-copy experience with Copywhiz as it lets you to have more flexibility & more control over the file copying and backup process. Here is how Copywhiz makes file copying a breeze:

  • Copy only new or modified files
  • Easily pick files by name, extension, folder etc from bunch of folders
  • Automatically organize files based on file attributes and metadata
  • Copy files to multiple folders/computers
  • Copy files from multiple folders and paste them at once
  • Sync files between source and destination
  • Pick files from multiple folders and compress in single .zip file
  • Schedule file backups
  • Several more hidden nuggets designed to make your file-copy task easier.

Steps to copy files in a single location

Using Xcopy

Xcopy Source [Destination] /s command lets us to Copy files from different locations to a single destination folder.

For Ex: To copy the files “project.docx” and “logo.png” to a single folder “saved pictures,” the following command line will be used:

For %%a in (
) do (
xcopy /s “%%~a” “d:\pictures\saved pictures”

However, the Xcopy commands are not so straightforward. System administrators may be able to use it. But Xcopy is confusing for ordinary users.

Let us look at a more straightforward and simple way to do this.

Using Copywhiz

Watch a short video that perfectly depicts this:

For more tutorial videos, check out this page.

Video Transcription

1. Select files to be copied from the Source folder and right-click on it and choose Copywhiz–>Copy as shown below:

2. Keep adding files from different folders by clicking on “Copy (Add to queue).” You can see the total number of files copied until now in the “Show Items” menu.

3.Right-click inside the destination folder where you wish to copy the files and select Copywhiz–>Paste . You could even use ‘Ctrl+Shift+V’.

4. All the files copied will be pasted in the destination folder all at once.

This is how Copywhiz lets you select multiple files from various folders and paste them in one desired folder in a very easy and fast manner.


This feature is handy when we have all our music/pictures scattered in different folders that we may want to bring into a single folder. Or we may want to pick only specific types of files & copy them all in one folder.

This also saves you a lot of time.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more such interesting videos.

Learn more about Copywhiz. Download the free trial from here.

Have a good day!

Thanks for your time :)

Keep following for more articles to come.

Pause & resume file copy operation in Windows using an Xcopy alternative replacement tool

During your file copy process, you may get a warning for high CPU and disk usage. The best thing would be to pause the copy for a while until the other tasks are completed.

With Copywhiz, if you wish to hold the file copying process, you can pause and then resume right from the point where you paused it. This way, you do not lose the integrity of the file being copied.

This is not possible with Windows Xcopy tool. However, you can use Copywhiz, a file copy software for Windows. It is really easy and straightforward.

What is Copywhiz?

Enhance your file-copy experience with Copywhiz as it lets you to have more flexibility & more control over the file copying and backup process. Here is how Copywhiz makes file copying a breeze:

  • Copy only new or modified files
  • Easily pick files by name, extension, folder etc from bunch of folders
  • Automatically organize files based on file attributes and metadata
  • Copy files to multiple folders/computers
  • Copy files from multiple folders and paste them at once
  • Sync files between source and destination
  • Pick files from multiple folders and compress in single .zip file
  • Schedule file backups
  • Several more hidden nuggets designed to make your file-copy task easier.

Steps to Pause & Resume file copy using Copywhiz

Watch a short video depicting this feature:

For more tutorial videos, check out this page.

Video Transcription

Copywhiz lets you to pause and resume file copy in Windows. It lets shutdown automatically/hibernate/sleep after a file copy. It even silently copies files without prompts & error messages. A Log file is also generated. You can Change file copy speed to improve performance. Also, view progress for each file being copied.

It is easy to understand and do it, as shown here. Try it out today.

The biggest advantage of using Copywhiz is that you can take automatic backups of your files and folders! Read more about it here:

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for regular updates and interesting videos!

Learn more about Copywhiz.

Download the free trial from here.

Check out our other cool products.

Have a good day.

Thanks for reading till the end :)

Continue file-copying even if error occurs in Windows using an Xcopy alternative replacement tool

While copying a large number of files, we often see a window pop up saying ‘An error occurred while copying.’ Isn’t this very annoying? Wouldn’t it be great if instead of attending to every error message, you could skip that particular type of error and continue with the rest of the copy?

This post will show you how to continue copying your files even when an error occurs. Also, you can skip the same type of error so that you are not prompted each time. You can later review the log to learn why the error occurs.

To understand this better, we will compare Windows Xcopy tool with an alternative software , Copywhiz.

What is Copywhiz?

Enhance your file-copy experience with Copywhiz as it lets you to have more flexibility & more control over the file copying and backup process. Here is how Copywhiz makes file copying a breeze:

  • Copy only new or modified files
  • Easily pick files by name, extension, folder etc from bunch of folders
  • Automatically organize files based on file attributes and metadata
  • Copy files to multiple folders/computers
  • Copy files from multiple folders and paste them at once
  • Sync files between source and destination
  • Pick files from multiple folders and compress in single .zip file
  • Schedule file backups
  • Several more hidden nuggets designed to make your file-copy task easier.

Steps to continue copying even on error

Using Xcopy

Xcopy Source [Destination] /c command lets us to continue file-copying even if error occurs.

For Ex: To copy files from ‘C:\project’ to the folder ‘D:\Backup‘, by excluding the files with errors, the following command line will be used:

xcopy “C:\project D:\Backup /c

However, Xcopy commands are not easy to use. System administrators may be able to use it. But Xcopy is not for ordinary users.

Using Copywhiz

Watch this short video that depicts this feature:

When copying files, Copywhiz does not stop on error. Instead it lets you retry or skip that particular file & proceed.

Also, if a file is locked (file-in-use) , Copywhiz will wait until you unlock the file. In fact, Copywhiz will show you which program is using the file so that you can close the program in order to continue with file copy.

If the disk is full , Copywhiz will show how much space you need to free in order to complete the operation successfully as shown below:

Screenshot Retry Or Skip Files On Error

Now here comes the best part!

You can configure Copywhiz to run it silently. This means you will no longer be asked any questions when copying files. Also, duplicate files will be replaced by default, and error logs will be generated.

All you need to do is click on the General Tab in the Advanced Settings and select the option “Run Silently.”


You must have now understood how Copywhiz is much easier and faster.

The biggest advantage of using Copywhiz is that you can take automatic backups of your files and folders! Read more about it here:

So why wait? Go try it out today.

For more tutorial videos, click here .

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for regular updates and interesting videos!

Learn more about Copywhiz.

Download the free trial from here.

Check out our other cool products.

Have a good day.

Thanks for reading :)

Copy files to a new folder (each time) in Windows using an Xcopy alternative replacement tool

This article will show you how to copy files or create a backup automatically into a new folder each time based on your current date/time.

Why a new folder each time?

Whether it is your critical work documents or collection of your personal photos, it is always a good idea to take multiple backups, so that the data is never lost. Data loss can happen in many ways; the most common causes are physical failure of your PC, accidental error, theft, or disasters like fire, flood. Computer viruses often delete or corrupt your data. Also, multiple versions of file backups are important because users can continually update files and might need to restore a file from different points in time.

Let us find out how to do this with Windows Xcopy tool, and an alternative software, Copywhiz.

What is Copywhiz?

Enhance your file-copy experience with Copywhiz as it lets you to have more flexibility & more control over the file copying and backup process. Here is how Copywhiz makes file copying a breeze:

  • Copy only new or modified files
  • Easily pick files by name, extension, folder etc from bunch of folders
  • Automatically organize files based on file attributes and metadata
  • Copy files to multiple folders/computers
  • Copy files from multiple folders and paste them at once
  • Sync files between source and destination
  • Pick files from multiple folders and compress in single .zip file
  • Schedule file backups
  • Several more hidden nuggets designed to make your file-copy task easier.

Steps to copy files in a new folder each time

Using Xcopy

The Xcopy command Xcopy Source [Destination] /I copies all specified files into the new directory. This command-line option allows you to keep multiple versions of file backups.

For Ex: To copy all the files from “documents” to the folder “New folder” we need to run the below command:

Xcopy D:\data\documents E:\Newfolder\documents /I

This command creates the folder E:\Newfolder\documents if it already does not exist.

However, using Xcopy commands is not very straightforward. System administrators may be able to use it. But Xcopy is confusing for ordinary users.

Let us look at an easier and straightforward way to do this.

Using Copywhiz

Watch a short video on this feature:

Video Transcription

1. Select the files from the Source folder and right-click on it and choose Copywhiz–>Copy as shown below:

2. Right-click inside the destination folder where you wish to copy the files and select Copywhiz–>Paste Advanced:

3. Copywhiz window will open with the destination folder already selected. You can suffix the destination folder with %date% or %datetime% to add the current date to the folder name.

4. Once the variables are added, click on ‘Paste Now’, and it will automatically create a new folder based on the current date.

5. You can save the selected files as a Copywhiz project and schedule a backup of the same set of files by clicking on the ‘Paste later (Schedule)’ button. Once clicked, the following Window will appear that will let you set your preferred backup frequency. After setting your preferred frequency, click on ‘Schedule Now’ so that Copywhiz automatically runs the projects at a specified time for taking backups.

Copywhiz is an alternative that lets you create a new destination folder (date-wise) for every file backup. This way, you can ensure that multiple versions of your backups are maintained.

It uses Windows Task Scheduler to schedule your backups. Configure Copywhiz to copy files at a particular time.

Using Copywhiz’s scheduling capability, you can back up your files every week, every day, or even every hour. It can be used as a complete file backup solution.

For more tutorial videos, check out our page.

Follow our YouTube channel for more such interesting videos.

Learn more about Copywhiz. Download the free trial from here.

Have a good day.

Thanks for staying till the end :)

Preview files to be copied in Windows using an Xcopy alternative replacement tool

This post will show how to preview your files before copying them in windows.

Why preview files?

  • When copying lots of files, it is essential to ensure that no critical file is left behind & no unnecessary file is being copied. Be accurate right from the start by knowing which files will be copied before actually copying them by reviewing the list of files that will be copied.
  • Also, when filtering files by type, date, or size, it is essential to verify whether all the files you need will be copied successfully. Previewing files before actually copying them gives you the confidence & keeps your mind relaxed.

Let us see how this is possible with Windows Xcopy tool and an alternative software Copywhiz.

What is Copywhiz?

Enhance your file-copy experience with Copywhiz as it lets you to have more flexibility & more control over the file copying and backup process. Here is how Copywhiz makes file copying a breeze:

  • Copy only new or modified files
  • Easily pick files by name, extension, folder etc from bunch of folders
  • Automatically organize files based on file attributes and metadata
  • Copy files to multiple folders/computers
  • Copy files from multiple folders and paste them at once
  • Sync files between source and destination
  • Pick files from multiple folders and compress in single .zip file
  • Schedule file backups
  • Several more hidden nuggets designed to make your file-copy task easier.

Generate file Preview

Using Xcopy

Xcopy Source [Destination] /L command displays a list of files that are to be copied.

For Ex: To display a list of files that are to be copied, the following command line will be used:

xcopy / C:\Your Folder C:\New Folder /L

However, using Xcopy commands is not straightforward. System administrators may be able to use it. But Xcopy is difficult for everyday users.

Let us look at an easier and faster way to do this.

Using Copywhiz

Copywhiz is an alternative that allows you to preview files before copying them. You can alter different filter options (file type, date, or size) and ensure that the right files are copied. This avoids mistakes, incorrect files to be copied & important files to be left out. This feature ensures accuracy. You can also use this feature to view the list of new & modified files in a folder.

Here is how Copywhiz Preview Window appears:

The preview feature is depicted briefly in this video:

For the tutorial videos, check out this page. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for some interesting videos.

Learn more about Copywhiz. Download the free trial from here.

Have a good day.

Thanks for reading till the end :)

Create Directories/folders only, without files in Windows using an Xcopy alternative replacement tool

Many times we want to replicate the directory structure of a particular folder to another location. It is, therefore okay to skip copying files in those folders. But this is a very tedious and error-prone task if done manually. Therefore it is advised to use any software that will do it for you.

This post will show you how to create the whole folder structure without files in Windows. It is useful when you want to create lots of folders for different types of files in an easier and faster way.

Let us look at how to do this with Windows Xcopy tool, and an alternative software, Copywhiz.

What is Copywhiz?

Enhance your file-copy experience with Copywhiz as it lets you to have more flexibility & more control over the file copying and backup process. Here is how Copywhiz makes file copying a breeze:

  • Copy only new or modified files
  • Easily pick files by name, extension, folder etc from bunch of folders
  • Automatically organize files based on file attributes and metadata
  • Copy files to multiple folders/computers
  • Copy files from multiple folders and paste them at once
  • Sync files between source and destination
  • Pick files from multiple folders and compress in single .zip file
  • Schedule file backups
  • Several more hidden nuggets designed to make your file-copy task easier.

Create Directory structure only

Using Xcopy

Xcopy Source [Destination] /t command lets us to replicate the whole directory structure without copying the files inside them. To copy empty directories, you must include the /e command-line option.

For Ex: To copy the directory structure without files, the following command line will be used:

xcopy C:\Your Folder C:\New Folder /t /e

However, Xcopy commands are not straightforward. System administrators may be able to use it. But everyday users would generally find it confusing.

Let us look at a simpler and easier way to do this.

Using Copywhiz:

Watch a short video depicting this feature:

Video Transcription

1. Select files using Windows Explorer, right-click on them and choose Copywhiz->Copy from the menu as shown below :

2. Go to the destination folder, right-click inside the folder and select Copywhiz–>Paste Advanced as shown below:

3. Copywhiz Window will open. Click on the ‘Advanced Settings’ button and select ‘Create folder structure only, do not paste files’ as shown below, and click on ‘Ok’.



Copywhiz is an alternative that allows you to create the complete directory (folder) structure without copying files in them.

This feature can be useful in a multi-user scenario where the system administrator wishes to create the same standard template folder structure without files for different users from an existing structure.

The biggest advantage of using Copywhiz is that you can take automatic backups of your files and folders! Read more about it here:

For more tutorial videos, click here .

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for regular updates and interesting videos!

Learn more about Copywhiz.

Download the free trial from here.

Check out our other cool products.

Have a good day.

Thanks for your time :)

Exclude specific type of files when copying in Windows using an Xcopy alternative replacement tool

We don’t copy every file during our file copy each time. If there is a long list of files and you wish to copy files only of a specific type or extension, it becomes tedious to filter them manually.

This article will, therefore, help you have a choice in the file copy by letting you exclude certain files from being copied.

Here we will look at this feature using Xcopy and an alternative software, Copywhiz.

What is Copywhiz?

Enhance your file-copy experience with Copywhiz as it lets you to have more flexibility & more control over the file copying and backup process. Here is how Copywhiz makes file copying a breeze:

  • Copy only new or modified files
  • Easily pick files by name, extension, folder etc from bunch of folders
  • Automatically organize files based on file attributes and metadata
  • Copy files to multiple folders/computers
  • Copy files from multiple folders and paste them at once
  • Sync files between source and destination
  • Pick files from multiple folders and compress in single .zip file
  • Schedule file backups
  • Several more hidden nuggets designed to make your file-copy task easier.

An image showing one of the features of Copywhiz

Steps to exclude specific files when copying in Windows

Using Xcopy

xcopy Source Destination /EXCLUDE:file1[+file2][+file3]… command lets us to specify a list of files containing strings to be excluded. These strings are not entered directly in the command switch. They are one or more text files that list the strings to be excluded.

Here is the command that is actually being used:

xcopy source destination /EXCLUDE:file1[+file2][+file3]… exclude: {path}list_of_exclusions.txt.

For Ex: To copy files from ‘C:\project’ to the folder ‘c:\backup,’ by excluding certain type of files, the following command line will be used:

xcopy c:\project c:\backup /Exclude: list of excluded files

However, Xcopy commands are not easy to use. System administrators may be able to use it. But Xcopy is not for ordinary users.

Using Copywhiz:

Watch a short video depicting this feature:

Video Transcription

1. Select files using Windows Explorer, right-click on them and choose Copywhiz->Copy from the menu as shown below :

2. Go to the destination folder, right-click inside the folder and select Copywhiz–>Paste special–>Paste files by name or type as shown below:

3. The Advanced Settings dialog box will open. You can include or exclude files/folders to be copied by typing their names, file extensions, or folder names. You can also preview the list of files that will be copied and files that will be skipped by clicking on the Preview button. After confirming, press the Ok button in the Advanced Settings dialog box. All the required files will be copied successfully.



Copywhiz lets you to choose which type of files to copy & which to ignore i.e, it lets you to do ‘Selective File Copy’.

Pick only those files that are important & avoid files that are not required (Eg. Files that occupy too much space) with Copywhiz. Easily filter files by name, extension, folder, etc. from a bunch of folders.

Complete big file copy tasks with few clicks & save manual effort with Copywhiz.

The most significant advantage of using Copywhiz is that you can take automatic backups of your files and folders! Read more about it here:

For more tutorial videos, click here .

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for regular updates and interesting videos!

Learn more about Copywhiz.

Download the free trial from here.

Check out our other cool products.

Have a good day.

Thanks for reading till the end :)