Sneak peek #2 – New refreshing sticky note menu in Notezilla 9

As you know, Notezilla 9 for Windows will be launched by end of July, 2021. Here is another sneak peek into the new version.

New refreshing sticky note menu, icons and toolbar

So what do you infer from the picture above?

  1. New sticky note toolbar.
  2. New modern icons on the toolbar and sticky note menu.
  3. Ability to create a new note from within a sticky note (first option in the menu).
  4. “Properties” option added to the menu.

What is Notezilla?

Notezilla is a professional, elegant & highly rated sticky notes app for Windows & Phones (Android, iOS, iPhone, iPad etc). It can help you organize your life by keeping all the notes, tasks & reminders that you may need when-ever and where-ever you are.

With sticky notes, you hardly have to put effort to take notes, set reminders, etc. Just jot down & move on with your task at hand. Notezilla allows you to create attractive and realistic sticky notes to make the desktop look more colorful and beautiful.

It works smoothly on both phones & tablets.

Here are some features of Notezilla:

  • Sticky notes with reminders
  • Attach sticky notes to websites, documents & folders
  • Pin sticky notes on top of other apps
  • Sync sticky notes between Windows, Android, iPhone, iPad
  • Add pictures inside sticky notes
  • Organize sticky notes inside memoboards (folders)
  • Checklist sticky notes
  • Lock sticky notes (password protect)
  • Markdown support
  • Send notes over local network or across the globe
  • Tag sticky notes
  • Dark mode support

Make sure you add your comments and feedback below.

Visit Notezilla product page.

Sneak Peek #1 – Notezilla 9 is coming!

Happy to announce that we will be launching the new major version – Notezilla 9 for Windows by end of July 2021.

Here is the first sneak peek of the new version.

Sticky notes on Windows desktop

What does the picture say about the new version?

  1. The sticky notes look more elegant.
  2. The text spacing, line spacing and margins have been improved.
  3. The checkbox inside the checklist sticky note looks better.

What is Notezilla?

Notezilla is a professional, elegant & highly rated sticky notes app for Windows & Phones (Android, iOS, iPhone, iPad etc). It can help you organize your life by keeping all the notes, tasks & reminders that you may need when-ever and where-ever you are.

With sticky notes, you hardly have to put effort to take notes, set reminders, etc. Just jot down & move on with your task at hand. Notezilla allows you to create attractive and realistic sticky notes to make the desktop look more colorful and beautiful.

It works smoothly on both phones & tablets.

Here are some features of Notezilla:

  • Sticky notes with reminders
  • Attach sticky notes to websites, documents & folders
  • Pin sticky notes on top of other apps
  • Sync sticky notes between Windows, Android, iPhone, iPad
  • Add pictures inside sticky notes
  • Organize sticky notes inside memoboards (folders)
  • Checklist sticky notes
  • Lock sticky notes (password protect)
  • Markdown support
  • Send notes over local network or across the globe
  • Tag sticky notes
  • Dark mode support

Stay tuned for the next sneak peek! Visit Notezilla product page.

Do add your comments below.

Organize pictures based on the date they were taken on, using Copywhiz for Windows

We all love pictures. They are the perfect way to store our precious memories.

If you have lots of pictures in your system, you know how difficult it is to manually sort and organize them. But no worries, Copywhiz has an easy hack for you!

What is Copywhiz?

Enhance your file-copy experience with Copywhiz as it lets you to have more flexibility & more control over the file copying and backup process. Here is how Copywhiz makes file copying a breeze:

  • Copy only new or modified files
  • Easily pick files by name, extension, folder etc from bunch of folders
  • Automatically organize files based on file attributes and metadata
  • Copy files to multiple folders/computers
  • Copy files from multiple folders and paste them at once
  • Sync files between source and destination
  • Pick files from multiple folders and compress in single .zip file
  • Schedule file backups
  • Several more hidden nuggets designed to make your file-copy task easier.

This post will tell how you can quickly organize pictures based on the date they were taken, on your Windows PC.

Here is a short video that depicts the steps:

Video Transcript:

  1. Go to the folder that has your picture files.
  2. Select the folder, right-click and add it to Copywhiz.
  3. Go to the destination folder, right-click and choose Copywhiz Paste Advanced.
  4. The Copywhiz main window will open. Click on the Advanced Settings button.
  5. In the Destination Tab, choose the option ‘Organize files inside folders based on name, type, date, etc.’
  6. Click on the Organizer button.
  7. Under the file property section, choose ‘Date created’ and under the format section, choose the format you want it to be in.
  8. Click on OK and Paste Now.
  9. The files will be copied in separate folders based on their creation date!

That’s it! What would take hours manually is achieved in a few minutes using Copywhiz.

You can also schedule automatic file backups and take incremental backups using Copywhiz.

Learn more about Copywhiz. Download the free trial from here.

For short tutorial videos, Check out this page.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for interesting videos.

Check out our other cool products.

Have a good day!

Thanks for reading till the end :)

Watch a folder for changes and automatically organize files in Windows, using Copywhiz

We constantly work with multiple folders for our projects and it is difficult to keep a check on the modifications made in each folder.

What if our folders were automatically monitored and the files automatically organized on a timely basis? Copywhiz file copy and backup app can do that for you!

What is Copywhiz?

Enhance your file-copy experience with Copywhiz as it lets you to have more flexibility & more control over the file copying and backup process. Here is how Copywhiz makes file copying a breeze:

  • Copy only new or modified files
  • Easily pick files by name, extension, folder etc from bunch of folders
  • Automatically organize files based on file attributes and metadata
  • Copy files to multiple folders/computers
  • Copy files from multiple folders and paste them at once
  • Sync files between source and destination
  • Pick files from multiple folders and compress in single .zip file
  • Schedule file backups
  • Several more hidden nuggets designed to make your file-copy task easier.

This post will show how to monitor a particular folder and automatically organize files from that folder, on a regular basis.

Here is a short video that shows how to achieve this:

Video Transcript:

  1. In this video, we will organize files from the downloads folder to the office folder.
  2. Select the Downloads folder, right-click and copy using Copywhiz.
  3. Go to the destination folder, right-click and choose Copywhiz Paste Advanced.
  4. The Copywhiz main window will open. Click on the Advanced Settings button.
  5. In the Destination Tab, choose the option ‘Organize files inside folders based on name, type, date, etc.’
  6. Click on the Organizer button.
  7. Under the file property section, choose ‘File Extension’ from the drop-down. This will create separate folders based on the various types of files.
  8. Click on OK.
  9. Since we are organizing files, we will move the files instead of copying them. To do this, choose the option ‘Paste & delete original (move)’.
  10. Paste the files.
  11. Check the Downloads folder and you will find it empty. This is because we moved files instead of just copying them.
  12. To repeat this action automatically at regular intervals, we will schedule the Copywhiz project.
  13. But first, we need to save the project.
  14. Click on File-> Save As in the top-left corner of the Copywhiz main window.
  15. Once the project is saved, click on ‘Paste Later( Schedule).’
  16. Select the backup frequency and other options based on your preference.
  17. Schedule this project and it will now perform the action automatically at the time specified!

Who could imagine that you could automatically organize hundreds of files in your system with so much ease! Well, Copywhiz did.

Learn more about Copywhiz. Download the free trial from here.

For short tutorial videos, Check out this page.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for interesting videos.

Check out our other cool products.

Have a good day!

Thank you :)

Use regular expression to automatically organize files by their name in Windows, using Copywhiz

This is a post for all those who use regular expression for their daily file copy and organization tasks.

What is Copywhiz?

Enhance your file-copy experience with Copywhiz as it lets you to have more flexibility & more control over the file copying and backup process. Here is how Copywhiz makes file copying a breeze:

  • Copy only new or modified files
  • Easily pick files by name, extension, folder etc from bunch of folders
  • Automatically organize files based on file attributes and metadata
  • Copy files to multiple folders/computers
  • Copy files from multiple folders and paste them at once
  • Sync files between source and destination
  • Pick files from multiple folders and compress in single .zip file
  • Schedule file backups
  • Several more hidden nuggets designed to make your file-copy task easier.

You can configure Copywhiz for your file copy and backup tasks using regular expression. We have a short video that will show how to automatically organize files in separate folders based on the regular expression you specify.

Video Transcript:

  1. For our video, we took a folder with various files named by employee name in the format of First name followed by last name.
  2. We will now create a folder by the last name and place files in them accordingly using regular expression.
  3. Select the files, right-click and add them to Copywhiz.
  4. Go to the destination folder, right-click and choose Copywhiz Paste Advanced.
  5. The Copywhiz main window will open. Click on the Advanced Settings button in there.
  6. In the Destination Tab, choose the option ‘Organize files inside folders based on name, type, date, etc.’
  7. Click on the Organizer button.
  8. Under the file property section, choose ‘File Name’ and under the format section, choose ‘Regular Expression’ from the drop down.
  9. Type the expression ^(?:\w+ ){1}\K\w+ which will select the second word in the file name.
  10. Click on OK and Paste Now.
  11. You will see the files pasted in separate folders based on the second name of the employee.

Organizing files is so easy with Copywhiz. The best part is, it is customizable based on the task you want to achieve.

You can also schedule automatic file backups and take incremental backups using Copywhiz.

Learn more about Copywhiz. Download the free trial from here.

For short tutorial videos, Check out this page.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for interesting videos.

Check out our other cool products.

Have a good day!

Thanks for your time :)