Continue file-copying even if an error occurs in Windows using a Robocopy alternative replacement tool

When copying a large number of files, we often see a window pop up telling that an error occurred while copying. Isn’t this very annoying? Wouldn’t it be great if instead of attending to every error message, you could skip that particular type of error and continue copying?

This article will show you how this is possible with the Windows Robocopy tool and also an alternative software , Copywhiz.

What is Copywhiz?

Enhance your file-copy experience with Copywhiz as it lets you to have more flexibility & more control over the file copying and backup process. Here is how Copywhiz makes file copying a breeze:

  • Copy only new or modified files
  • Easily pick files by name, extension, folder etc from bunch of folders
  • Automatically organize files based on file attributes and metadata
  • Copy files to multiple folders/computers
  • Copy files from multiple folders and paste them at once
  • Sync files between source and destination
  • Pick files from multiple folders and compress in single .zip file
  • Schedule file backups
  • Several more hidden nuggets designed to make your file-copy task easier.

An image showing one of the features of Copywhiz

Steps to continue file copy on error

Using Robocopy

Robocopy source destination [file [file]…] /r:n w:n command lets us to continue file-copying even if error occurs.
‘R’ is the retries on failed copies, and ‘W’ is the waiting time between those retries. Also, n=the number of times of retry and waiting.

For Ex: To copy contents of ‘C:\project’ to the folder ‘D:\Backup’, while continuing to copy on errors, the following command line will be used:

Robocopy C:\project D:\Backup /R:0 W:0

You can do this using Xcopy too. Here is the article.

However, Robocopy commands are not straightforward. System administrators may be able to use it. But, Robocopy is quite confusing for ordinary users.

Using Copywhiz

Watch a short video that perfectly depicts this feature:

When copying files, Copywhiz does not stop on an error. Instead it lets you retry or skip that particular file and proceed.

See the image below for more clarity:

Also, if a file is locked (like a file-in-use), Copywhiz will wait until you unlock the file. In fact, Copywhiz will show you which program is currently using the file so that you can close the program in order to continue with your file copy.

If the disk is full, Copywhiz will show you how much space you need to free in order to complete the operation successfully as shown below:

The most significant advantage of using Copywhiz is that you can take automatic backups of your files and folders! Read more about it here:

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Have a good day.

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