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Can  Notezilla  be made to work so all profiles on a Windows PC are synced to one note file? Thanks!

in Notezilla by (15.3k points)
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1 Answer

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Yes definitely, you can make  Notezilla  work so that all profiles on a PC are synced to one note file.

You just have to locate the notes data file to a common location accessible by all the profiles.

  1. Create a folder like C:\Notezilla Data 
  2. Go to  Notezilla  Preferences and click on Advanced tab. To access  Notezilla 's Preferences, right click on  Notezilla  icon and choose Preferences from the menu. 
  3. Change the Data Folder location to C:\Notezilla Data . Press OK. You will be asked if you wish to move the data as well. You must choose Yes only on the first profile. From second profile onwards, you must choose No. Remember this.
  4. Restart  Notezilla  and check the location again  Notezilla  Preferences (Advanced tab). Also check if you have all your notes.
  5. Perform step #2, #3 & #4 for all profiles. Remember that you must move data only once and for all profiles, you must select No in step 3.

by (31.2k points)
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