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Due to a system crash I have had to clean install Windows 10 and all my software onto a clean hard drive. I have installed the latest  Notezilla  update successfully.

I now need to import my data files from my backup. I had a full backup of my C: partition and therein I found the following four files in the Conceptworld/Notezilla folder in the AppData folder:

Notes8.db,  Notezilla .ini, SpellChecker.ini, UserDictionary.tlx.

I can find no mention of Conceptworld/Notezilla in ProgramData (the Win 10 equivalent of AppData). The import function in  Notezilla  asks for only csv/txt format files and offers no way to import data from the above files. I have not exported from  Notezilla  so this is of no use to me.

Where does  Notezilla  store its data files in Win 10 and can I simply transfer the above files into that location? If not, how do I recover my data? Help please
in Notezilla by (15.3k points)
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1 Answer

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ProgramData is not Win 10 equivalent of AppData.

In Win 10 also AppData exists.

  1. Exit  Notezilla 
  2. Open the folder %appdata%\Conceptworld\Notezilla . Copy this location and open it from start menu or Windows Explorer.
  3. Copy NotesX.db (X is the version number like 8, 9 etc) file in this folder.
  4. Run  Notezilla . You will see all your sticky notes.
by (31.2k points)
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All well. Thank you
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