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After booting up my PC, I received this message :

 Notezilla  System Error
The Code Execution cannot proceed because Skinz.dll was not found
Reinstalling the program may fix this problem

Since  Notezilla  was not working, I uninstalled and reinstalled  Notezilla  which did not work and got the same message. I then used Windows System File Checker to check for corrupt files which did not work either. I still get the same message after rebooting my PC

Any suggestions ? Why does the message keep showing up at the first place  ?
in Notezilla by (15.3k points)
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1 Answer

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Can you uninstall  Notezilla  and install it again? This time, install it in some other folder. Normally it is C:\Program Files\Conceptworld\Notezilla . You can probably change it to C:\Program Files\Notezilla.

The message shows up because somehow if the skinz.dll was being used by some other program, then uninstall wouldn't be able to delete and replace the file. There may be some other tool or security app trying to access the same file. Not really sure.
by (31.2k points)
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