0 votes
Hello, I own  RecentX  and am using it on Windows 10. There are a couple of  RecentX  database files that are quite large: ...\Conceptworld\RecentX\rx5.db (3.8 GB) ...\Conceptworld\RecentX\rx5Clips.db (1.0 GB). Any recommendations about how to limit their size?
in RecentX by (15.3k points)
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1 Answer

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Hello, Kindly follow the below steps.

  1. Download http://www.conceptworld.com/Downloads/Tools/CompressSqliteDatabase/CompressSqliteDatabase.zip
  2. Extract the .zip file
  3. Exit  RecentX 
  4. Run CompressSqliteDatabase.exe from the extracted .zip file. You will get a warning from Windows because the exe file is not signed. This is not a problem. You can run it anyway.
  5. Then browse to rx5.db and compress the file using the tool. You can take a backup of this file just in case.
  6. You can do th same for rx5Clips.db
  7. Once completed, you can run  RecentX .
by (31.2k points)
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