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Hello, I used to be able to double click the title to add a title to my note. Now that has the same behavior as clicking elsewhere on the top bar of the note which doesn't make sense to me and slows me down. Worst of all, I can't see an option to fix this in Preferences. I really liked how it was before, it was faster than having to click on the note once, look down and my keyboard, find and press F2. I just want that first mouse click to be a double one and boom I'm editing the title. Any tips or workarounds please?
in Notezilla by (15.3k points)
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1 Answer

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Yes, this is the new behavior.
Instead of double click, use two clicks to edit the title. Meaning. click on the title once (to activate a sticky note) and then click the title again. It will behave same as pressing F2.
You can also right click on the title and choose "Add/Edit title" from the menu.
by (31.3k points)
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