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We use  Notezilla  in a very busy desktop and we are constantly clicking the ROLL UP/ROLL DOWN button. However, often we click on either the HIDE NOTE or TRASH NOTE which are so close to it. It is quite annoying, as we only ever want to use this one note shared among computers and it is very often found in the trash. Is there a way we could remove both of those icons and just leave the roll up and roll down icon?

in Notezilla by (15.3k points)
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1 Answer

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Please download the latest version of  Notezilla . We have made the buttons bigger so that you don't hide or delete the note accidentally.

Also, I would suggest that you enable the option in Preferences that will ask the user if the sticky note should really be deleted. So if a user accidentally clicks on trash button, it will not directly go to the trash memoboard.

Also, instead of using the mouse, you can probably use Ctrl+O keys to roll up and down.

Another good idea is double click on the note toolbar. If you double click on note toolbar, the note will roll up and down.

Currently it is not possible to hide any buttons.

by (31.2k points)
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