Finding files on Windows using RecentX

And Operator

Use 'and' operator to find items containing all the given keywords.
Example: report and .xlsx
In the above example, RecentX will list out only those items containing report and .xlsx.

Or Operator

Use 'or' operator to find items containing any one of the given keywords.
Example: .docx or .txt
In the above example, RecentX will list out all items with .docx or .txt.

Finding files under a particular folder

To find files under a specific folder, type the search keyword followed by the folder name. The folder name should be prefixed with a \.
Example: .xlsx \Reports
In the above example, RecentX will list out only the .xlsx files, which are in the Reports folder only.

RecentX works on Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7