Setting a reminder to a sticky note

Set reminder window

Setting reminders to sticky notes is an important feature of Notezilla. To set a reminder, right-click on the note title or note toolbar and choose 'Due date' from the menu. For faster access, press the shortcut key Ctrl+R.

Specify due date

The Due Date and Time drop-down boxes in the Set Due Date window (shown in the above picture) lets you select the reminder date & time.

A faster way to set reminders

Directly choose the duration from 'Due Date / Due in:' menu without using 'Set Due Date' window or click on the > button next to the Time drop down in the 'Set Due Date' window and choose the appropriate duration.

Getting an alert ahead of Due Date

If you want a reminder ahead of the due date, choose the appropriate duration from the drop-down 'Remind x minutes earlier.'

Playing a different sound (.wav or .mp3)

To specify a different sound file (.wav or .mp3) that needs to be played at the reminder time, select the 'Advanced' tab & click on the '...' button next to the 'Play sound' option in the Advanced tab.

Launching a program/document/website at the reminder time

You can run a program, open a document, or launch a website at a configured reminder time.

To do this, select the 'Advanced' tab & check off the Launch program, document, or website option and specify the path of the program, document, or website.

Note: To directly launch, make sure you uncheck the option "Show reminder message". Otherwise, the configured program / document / website will launch only after you dismiss the reminder message.

Deleting a note automatically at a specific time

Often, information inside a note may get obsolete after some time. Example: schedules, travel plans, etc.

You can configure Notezilla to delete the note automatically at a particular time so that you do not end up with a large number of old notes. To do this, select the 'Advanced' tab & check off the Trash this note option.

Repeat options

To repeat a reminder at specific intervals, select the Repeat tab, and configure the required reoccurrence interval for the reminder.

Notezilla works on Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 , Android and iPhone