Keyboard Shortcuts & Hotkeys


The following hotkeys are configured when you install Notezilla for the first time. These hotkeys can be changed using Preferences window.

Hotkeys are a little different than shortcut keys. Hotkeys are set at system level. Meaning, no other app can use the same key combinations for a task.

Create new note on desktop (at mouse position) Ctrl+Shift+U
Show Notes Browser Ctrl+Shift+B
Bring desktop notes on top Ctrl+Shift+P

Note shortcut keys

Stay on top Ctrl+Q
Set reminder Ctrl+R
Roll up/down, Lock/unlock Ctrl+O
Hide note Ctrl+H
Stick to memoboard Ctrl+M
Stick to window Ctrl+W
Stick to underlying window Ctrl+Shift+W (Toggle)
Assign tags Ctrl+T
Delete note Ctrl+D
Send note to computer Ctrl+G
Send note to contact Ctrl+Alt+G
Print note Ctrl+P
Create new note Ctrl+N
Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Tab Go to next, previous note.
Find text Ctrl+F
Edit note title F2 (or click on title bar twice)

Note formatting shortcut keys

Insert date & time Ctrl+Alt+D
Paste as plain text Ctrl+Shift+V
Bold Ctrl+B
Italic Ctrl+I
Underline Ctrl+U
Strikethrough Ctrl+K
Toggle bullets & numbering Ctrl+Shift+L
Spelling F7

Notes Browser shortcut keys

Find in list (Find-As-You-Type) Alt+F3
Search F3
Select All in notes list view Ctrl+A
Invert Selection in notes list view Ctrl+I

Other Shortcuts

Show note menu Right click anywhere on the note title or note toolbar

Notezilla works on Microsoft Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 , Android and iPhone